17 August 2009

Concerning this blog

I have noticed little activity on the blog recently. So I want to put it forward to the readership: are the posts not very interesting or do most of you prefer not to leave comments? I guess I'm just curious what the general feeling is among you.

Drop a comment, be not afraid.



thePatrick said...

I'm ascared of leaving comments...

J. said...

I just steal your stuff to post on my own blog. Now you want me to leave my fingerprints all over the place? What kind of thief do you think I am?

ngharker said...

I am just a horrible person and never respond...

Loved the FLDS-Crafts.

Tod Robbins said...

Wow. I didn't think the guilting would be so effective.


Thanks for the feedback people.

Jack W. said...

I'm afraid that Google Reader can be blamed for a lot of this.

eyun said...

Viewing through an RSS reader means that my presence is barely detected. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

It absolutely not agree with the previous message